In Stock
Spatula din lemn pentru intins aluatul de clatite in forma de T avand urmatoarele dimensiuni 20x24 cm.
Maner 24 cm
Inainte de a utilizare se scufunda in apa pentru a preveni lipirea aluat
Nu se recomanda a fi introdus in masina de spalat vase.
Spatula pentru intins clatite din fag 12 cm
24,99 Lei
Ex Tax: 21,00 Lei

Suntem prezenți în sistemul de achiziții publice www.e-licitatie.ro (SEAP / SICAP)
We are constantly trying to satisfy the clients' needs to provide equipment with a superior quality and accessories for cooking and serving in hotels, restaurants, catering units, pizzerias, cafes, pubs, etc ....
We offer equipment and accessories at competitive prices with immediate delivery from our warehouse or from the supplier.